version 6.450
- TimeEcho added
- liftRoll Min/Max added
- Wheel function improvements
- drivingSystem animCurveT* changed to animCurveU*
- UnrealJoints lockweight issue, fix
version 6.440
- ML Tools UI added
- Cyclops EyeLidWeights improved
- QToe-Roll-Ctrl orientations improved
- LegAim can now be used as Auto-Scapula
- Edit BlendShapes can now ignore auto-mirror
- RegionCtrls now hidden for most BuildSteps
- Roblox RootFaceJoint set to FaceJoint_M
- Body RangeOfMotion test issue, fix
- Editing DS: ctrlLips_M.tx issue, fix
- 50+ DrivingSystems list too long, fix
- Picker-GoToTpose on ref rigs issue, fix
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