version 6.410
- Publish Multi Files added
- FKIKSwitch now preserved Scaled Hands/Feet
- AutoPlace non-symmetry tolerance increased
- GoTo T-pose improved for Arm PoleVector
- DrivingSystem Drive Scale improved
- NonSymmetry system improved
- FKIKSwitch w/MirroredTranslate improved
- FaceMoCapLibrary on FaceOnly rigs issue, fix
- HeadSquash in OPM issue. fix
- Delete Sliders issue, fixed
- Driving worldOriented CustomCtrls issue, fix
- Selector>Display>Set Hotkey issue, fix
new video
version 6.400
- PartialJoints now OPM optimized
- QuatNodes autoload for faster rigs
- Angle Attributes replaced with Q Attributes
- Go to Tpose added to Selector/Picker
- ReUse function added to SkinCage
- DrivingSystem improvements
- SliderJoints improvements
- AutoPlace improvements
- BuildPose improvements
- SkinCage improvements
- ConstraintSystem hidden for better autoFraming
- ReSample Spine retains sibling orders
- UnrealMannquin scaled set to BuildPose
- IKSpine1_M.FixedOrient now 10 by default
- FKRoot_M.w0 now 0 by default
- SwitchFK2IK on Ref-Spine issue, fix
- SeqScaleComp for head-antennas issue. fix
- Edit CorrectiveShape on BendyLimbs issue, fix
- CustomOrient ReAttach all mirror issue, fix
- SliderJoints on Hip inccorectly mirrored, fix
- CorrectiveBlendShape issue in Maya2025, fix
- VideoMoCap -w Error in older Maya versions, fix